Psoriasis is one of the most severe dermatological diseases. The pathology is of an autoimmune incurable nature and occurs in patients of all ages. A characteristic of the disease is its wavy nature. Relapses are followed by periods of calm and vice versa. The duration of remission always depends on the type, form of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The main symptoms of psoriasis are the unpleasant pink or red spots that appear on different parts of the human body. In medical practice, such rashes are usually called plaques or papules. In most cases, the plaques are covered with scales characteristic of the pathology and rise above the surface of healthy skin by a few millimeters. Also, signs of psoriasis include such signs as severe itching in the area of the lesions and inflammation.
Psoriasis, the causes of which are not yet clear, is diagnosed in every tenth person who consults a doctor with skin problems. The pathology is common mainly in adults, but is common in children. Residents of countries with cold and humid climates are at risk. The incidence of the disease in people in cold countries is higher than among residents living in warm climates.
What is psoriasis: a theory of the origin of the disease
It is not yet possible to determine the exact causes of the disease, nor is it clear how psoriasis begins. Even the joint efforts of world scientists do not allow to answer the question why psoriasis occurs? According to Wikipedia, in modern medical practice there are several theories about the appearance of this disease. However, none of them has been officially archived. Theories for the development of psoriasis include the following:
- Immune.
- Hereditary.
- Theory of hormonal disorder.
- Story background theory.
- Disorders of metabolic processes.
- Viral origin.
Based on clinical studies and laboratory data, scientists have been able to identify several points of view that suggest possible causes for the development of the pathology.
Immune theory
Many scientists determine the causes of psoriasis in children and adults by the characteristics of the immune system. This theory is the most common. From the point of view of its founders, the appearance of plaques on the body of various natures occurs as a result of the activity of immune cells, which perceive certain areas of the dermis as an aggressor. The consequence of this is severe inflammation and redness of the skin.

The causes of psoriasis in the body in terms of immune theory can be the following:
- rubbing leather with clothes and shoes;
- burning;
- frostbite;
- microcracks;
- scratches.
According to the test results, it was possible to identify the presence of a large number of immune cells at the sites where psoriatic spots appear. This is a partial confirmation of the immune theory.
Genetic theory
His other name is the theory of heredity. Many scientists believe that the disease is inherited. This is evidenced by numerous surveys, the results of which show that in the case of pathology in the mother, the risk of developing the disease in a child is 20-25%. If both parents suffer from psoriasis, the percentage rises to 75.
Genetic predisposition is considered one of the main factors in the development of the disease. With a combination of several provoking factors, the risk of pathology increases significantly.
Important! If the child's parents have psoriasis, this cannot give a one hundred percent guarantee that the child will certainly develop the same disease. Heredity only increases the risk of the disease.
Endocrine Theory
The cause of psoriasis of the hands, back, head and other parts of the body is also partly explained by endocrine theory. Here, scientists suggest that pathological changes in the dermis occur as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. Dysfunction of the normal functioning of the endocrine system provokes a decrease in the healthy vital activity of the cells of the dermis.
Hormonal imbalances can occur for the following reasons:
- period of pregnancy;
- menstruation;
- taking hormonal drugs;
- puberty.
Important! According to the results of medical tests, not in all cases there is a violation of the hormonal level in the patient's blood. Given these facts, the endocrine system cannot be considered fundamental.
Neurogenic theory
The onset of psoriasis also supports the neurogenic theory. This view explains the onset of the disease as a result of stress and strong emotional experiences. Representatives of this theory believe that the cause of psoriasis may lie in malfunctions of the central nervous system.

As a result of the experience, the patient has such a phenomenon as vascular wall neurosis. This provokes narrowing of the vascular muscles and impaired blood flow. The consequence is the appearance on the body of rashes in the form of scaly plaques.
According to studies in more than half of all patients with psoriasis, the onset of the disease is preceded by strong feelings and stress.
Exchange Theory
The causes of psoriasis in women and men can also be hidden in the violation of metabolic processes in the body. This is the opinion of representatives of the theory of metabolic disorders.
According to medical research, it is possible to find a clear link between psoriasis and metabolic disorders in the body. Disruption of lipid and other processes leads to changes in blood composition, weakening of immunity and other negative consequences.
The following factors can provoke metabolic disorders:
- presence of diabetes mellitus;
- kidney and liver diseases;
- unbalanced diet;
- sedentary lifestyle.
Viral theory
Some scientists explain the causes of psoriasis by transmitting a viral infection or the presence of chronic inflammatory foci in the body. This theory is to some extent related to genetic. Representatives of this view believe that the infection may become a stimulus for the development of pathology.
What factors can cause psoriasis?
In addition to theories about the origin of the disease, there are several provoking factors. These include:
- Unhealthy diet, eating food allergens, insufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements.
- Bad habits such as alcohol and cigarettes, as well as drug use.
- Improper intake or untimely withdrawal of medications.
- Various injuries of the dermis.
- Hormonal imbalance in the body.
Heredity and a combination of several provoking factors can lead to a disease such as psoriasis. It is very important to diagnose the pathology in time and to start adequate treatment. This will help avoid many negative consequences in the future.
Why psoriasis is dangerous
At first, the disease may not cause much discomfort, but if left untreated, the disease will become severe with persistent relapses. That is why it is important to start treatment early and prevent the development of psoriasis. As a prophylaxis you can use traditional medicine and its means, but only with the consent of a doctor.
Once you know what causes psoriasis, you need to start treating it. At the first symptoms, consult your doctor, self-medication can seriously damage your health.